Well I had been listening to Chronamut's audio covers of video game music and i decided to give it a try so far I've submitted 2 audio's to the portal, I didn't spend that much time on them as Chronamut would of spent on his (and it shows) I'm pretty glad how the Dark Cloud 2 "Peace of the World" cover turned out but my favorite was the Devil May Cry "Seeds of Love" cover.
Peace of the World
was suppose to sound like Howard Shores music from LotR which is why it had a flute, acoustic guitar and orchestral sounds with very a low major choir. I thought it sounded quite good but the sound still needs some tweaks and then I'll master it after that for best quality and sound.
Click here to listen.
Seeds of Love contains a mixed variation of sounds to make it hard for me to generalize it contains a piano, lead guitar, harp (yes a f*cking harp), a kick (which i might remove), fretless bass and orchestral sounds. The sound of this needs a lot of working i think which alterations and increasing the play time and adding the build up (which this is) to something else to create a combination of two Decil May Cry songs would be brilliant of coarse which my own little touch to spice it up.
Click here to listen.